Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh the deep burn....

We have arrived back at the Red River Gorge, and the deep burn in the forearms has set in, yet again. The Red really does feel like home. We are back with our cozy hippy van, our wonderful friends and the climbing that never seems to get any less pumpy. After our recent binge of techy, bouldery limestone routes, part of me wants to scope out the 50 ft climbs, rather than gripping for my life on 120ft of upsidedown crimps and jugs. So fucking pumpy!

The weather is gorgeous, but I'm not gonna talk about it too much, as I dont want to jinx it. We did a couple endurance days, just to get used to the rock again, and build up some stamina. I managed to slip in a burn on my much anticipated climb of the spring, "White Mans Overbite". I've been saving this climb for a little while and it is even better than what I had thought it would be. The moves came together really easily, now its just a matter of fighting the always epic red river gorge pump. I'm psyched.

Speaking of psych, somebody replaced my husband with some super motivated rock climbing man. He is a glowing with mojo, should be a good season.


  1. I told you he was a "Rock Star":D Love Yas and miss yas!!! Oh and Julie says to tell ya she's really proud of you and likes your blog:)

  2. Burning? You guys said the weather in the Red was good. You didn't say anything about any burning!?!?

    Oh shit. This is gonna hurt.
